Learn more about The Strategy Masterclass below

Week one: fundamentals

We begin the masterclass by getting everyone up to speed, by covering off some strategy fundamentals.

Week two: foundations

Any strategy you write is only ever as good as where you start, that’s why in week two we show how to create the best possible strategic foundations.

Week three: powerful truths

With our foundations in place we move onto to the heart of the strategic process, showing why insights are overrated and why powerful truths are far more important.

Week four: finding focus

In week four we focus on the most important, and exciting. We show you how to actually create powerful brand strategy and brilliant creative strategy.

Week five: famous ideas

Strategy is all for nothing unless it can be translated into bold brand behaviour and famous creative work. In week five we will show you to do this.

Week six: master your art

In this final week we will cover off some advanced and specialist topics, to help take you to the next level.

Join the Strategy Masterclass today